What is EMerge

EMerge is a one-person hobby project, built from the ground up with a passion for EM FEM simulations. EMerge is written completely in Python leveraging optimised modules such as NumPy and SciPy for high performance computations and GMSH for meshing. The goal is to also port the most computationally intensive matrix assembly and mesh management in Rust or Numba compiled C code.

The goal of EMerge is to offer powerful simulation tools completely free of charge, making advanced electromagnetic analysis available to small businesses who cannot afford expensive licences. You can follow the development journey on this website’s blog page, where updates and insights into EMerge's progress are regularly shared.

If you’re interested in contributing or collaborating, feel free to reach out.

Current dependencies

  • GMSH: Mesh generation and eventually also geometry.

  • NumPy and SciPy: array computations and linear algebra solvers like BiCGStab

  • Shapely: 2D geometry and polygon boolean operations (to be replaced by GMSH)

  • Loguru: Logging

  • Matplotlib: For 2D plotting, Mayavi will be added later for 3D visualization

Future services